Here We Are!
In this web site you will find some of my works. To have more information do not hesitate and contact me at: eva_luna@gmail.com
My Camera
This camera is perfect for those who want to experiment with shooting from creative angles where it would be otherwise impossible to get an eye level with the optical viewfinder directly above. It can further be folded screen inwards to the body to provide a degree of protection.
My Bio
Something about me...
I am Eva Luna Guerraz and I am studying Media Communication at John Cabot University in Rome. I believe that Art is the best way to express ourselves in the most provocative form. At the age of six I began my career as an amateur photographer. I had an old Canon that never left my side. As soon as digital photography was invented, my passion for photography became a truly full time hobby. Initially I preferred taking pictures of the seas, mountains, cities and interiors. I used wide-angle lenses mainly because it allows more of the scene to be included in the pictures and it has a short focal length. It is usually used for landscapes and/or architecture. Every trip I made, I created albums of photos of particularly interesting visages with discarded albums. With due time, I realized that panoramic shots were no longer a satisfying subject. Instead of having a personal portfolio it seemed as though I had a collage of postcards. When I bought my current camera the Canon G11, I began taking pictures of people. The infinite, particular expressions seen on the faces of people never cease to impress from person to person. I could never grow bored because every shot I took, even if it was the same person, was never static- each photo original in itself. I have maintained my habit of taking pictures every time I travel in order to keep the precious memories of fascinating vistas. My inspirations are: Robert Doisneau, Constantine Manos, Stanley Kubrick, William Eggleston and Ellis Reed. I find their professional creativity renders them among the best. I remain interested, however, in emerging artists. I am curious to discover things people will consider masterpieces in the future. In this website, apart from my photographs, you can also admire the photos of Sofia Lenz Cesar, a Brazilian photographer, aged 24. You can read about her under Sofia Lenz Cesar on the home page menu.
Sofia Schneider Lenz Cesar earned a diploma with a 2/1 in media arts at Royal Holloway, University of London- she completed a Masters course in photography later on. She was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil but from a European family, she lived for a time in Italy then moved to the UK. She was always interested in culture, music and theatre. She has always had strong feelings about art. This was only enhanced throughout time. What she enjoys most is to change realistic things into the surrealistic, static into moving etc. She tries to show visual and emotive interest.
About Sofia's Works
Last Work
As a creative photographer, what captivates her the most is the possibility of transforming something real into surreal, mundane into extraordinary, monotonous into curious... her photography acts as a portal to unleashing one's visual and emotive interest.
Creativity is what distinguishes one man from another
Always fond of theatre, music and culture, she has developed a great passion for the arts, which has grown and strengthened throughout the years.
Surreal Art
Read more
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Occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
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