The Calle flower is an evergreen plant with big white petals with a funnel shape. Each stem holds only one flower. It is a very decorative flower and can be found on the edge of small ponds and swamps. It can be kept in a vase at home as long as it is put in a humid area.
The Calle flower originally comes from South Africa and it needs much water to survive. It is a toxic flower both for humans and animals and can grow up to a meter in length. The name Calle comes from the Greek term Kalos which means beautiful. The name was obviously given for the beauty of the flower.
When a man gives this flower to a woman, he is valuing her for her beauty, in fact, the flower means simple and refined beauty.
The Hydrangea flower is a shrub that lives in shady areas. It can be found in many different colors such as pink, celeste, and blue. It can be dried out, but in time it will lose its color.
Symbolically, the Hydrangea flower represents the intention of escaping.
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