When people are looking for a parking spot, they will have to put the destination on the app. Once they are close to it, the app automatically notifies the person of the user leaving the spot. On the other side, when a user is leaving the spot, they will have to activate the notification that they are leaving the car park. Once the notifications are activated, the app automatically sees it at a distance up to 4 km and the person looking for parking can 'reserve' his or her spot. Maps will guide the user exactly to the parking spot. The person looking for parking will have to pay 0.30 cents per minute to the person who is leaving the parking space.


Price will vary according to the zone the user finds him/her self. In addition, users will have to pay a small fee if the parking spot is positioned in white lines. All the information regarding the price are shown in the picture below.


  • Finding park through the app through the parking dashboard (digital map)

  • Payments on the app;

  • Creation of a community of users that can help each other every day

  • Convenience: users get part of their expenses back

  • Time and emissions-reducing

  • Users get paid