
My number 1


Friends is a 90's Comedy TV show, based in Manhattan, about 6 friends who go through just about every life experience imaginable together; love, marriage, divorce, children, heartbreaks, fights, new jobs and job losses and all sorts of drama.

Fun Fact

The show's working titles were Insomnia Café, Friends Like Us, and Six of One, before everyone settled on Friends.

The Main Characters

The main characters' names are Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe.


The criticism of Friends often boils down to its lack of diversity. Yes, the show was set in New York City, one of the most diverse cities in the world, yet the main cast was overwhelmingly white. Sure, they had token characters of colour, such as Charlie Wheeler and Julie, but they were short-lived love interests who were quickly written out of the show. Even worse, the show relied on tired stereotypes when it did try to introduce diverse characters. Remember Julie, Ross's Asian-American girlfriend who was a genius palaeontologist? Or Charlie Wheeler, the brilliant African-American palaeontologist who inexplicably chose Ross over Joey? It's not hard to see why these characters have been criticised for being tokenistic and shallow.