Frequently Asked Questions

1. How far in advance do I need to make a reservation?

We encourage our customers to make reservations as early as possible. Most of our customers make reservations the same day as they plan on going out, which is fine.

If you choose to make your reservation online, you can call us as the night progresses if you need to change the time or location of the pick-up.

2.What are your hours of operation?

The Pear's designated driver service is available Friday - Saturday nights. Personal chauffeurs are available 7 days a week. For holidays, parties, or special events occurring outside of our normal operating hours, please contact us via email or phone to discuss pricing and availability

3. How far will FasTruck transport a customer?

While most of our trips are within Rome, we will drive our customers to any distance within reason. A surcharge will be added to trips with pick-ups or destinations outside of our standard service area.

4. Are your drivers qualified?

All of our drivers are required to have valid auto insurance and pass both background and driving-record checks before they join our team. We have these results on file at our offices. None of our drivers have DUI's or criminal records.