Data Mining

Data Minning


China and Data Mining

What is happening in China

With a population of 1.4 billion, China is the world's second largest economy. Ever since they changed to a market-based economy in 1978 they have experienced rapid economic and social development. Overall China has contributed to 30% of global growth in the last 8 years. Although China has experienced abundant growth both economically and socially they still face incomplete market reforms and its per capita income remains that of a developing country and only about a quarter of the average for high-income countries. China's rapid economic growth has exceeded the pace of its institutinal development and there are many gaps that are important to address to ensure a sustainable growth path.

  • This agrees with Grusin and Bolter's theory that - “digital technologies are proliferating faster than our cultural, legal, or educational institutions can keep up with them.” (p. 313) This is due to the fact that in Chine their economic growth is closely tied to their technological growth. Their number one export are digital devices


How China is using Data Mining

One of the many ways China is approaching its challenges in the face of rapid development is through data mining. China has, for the past x years, been micromonitoring its employers within production lines through an intrapersonal manner. According to South China Morning Post "Government-backed surveillance projects are deploying brain-reading technology to detect changes in emotional states in employees on the production line, the military and at the helm of high-speed trains"

  • Data mining is permeating through varous aspects of human activity. This agrees with Manuel Castells theory that digitization is finding its way through our physical environments and social institutions. Manuel Castells mentions that our minds are becoming ever more integrated with machines. He clarifies how technological revolutions are able to penetrate all aspects of human activity.

Data mining and communication theory.

Since the rise of the computer age. Their purpose has been seen to make life easier, because of this, humans have had a growing relationship with technology, to some extent, we can now say that humans are attached to our technologies. Humans have managed to produce smart programs that run themselves i.e the smartwatches you own are able to not only detect heart rate but inform you that you are not exercising enough. Some of these technologies benefit us for the better. This new reliance on technology has led to a change in the traditional uses and ideas of technology. With the computer, we can create, store and archive media. Others, however, though intended for the good use of the society may be used for otherwise. Data mining is an example of such technology. As earlier defined, data mining refers to the collection of meaningful data for analysis and exploration. The data mining in China allows for an algorithm to turn emotion and thought processes into computer data- binary code. Using ‘mindreading’ gadgets, emotions such as anger and emotion are detected, once detected solutions are provided by the algorithms to make the work environment more conducive. This process is used in the workforce to prevent personal interference in the professional environment, an example of technology influencing real-life norms.


Data Mining and The Human

Data mining is all around us and is used every day by big companies; such as Facebook and Netflix. However, China is the first too apply it to the work place. A wireless sensor, which uses artificial intelligence algorithms , is placed into the hats of the worker to monitor their brainwaves. An algorithm is a set of rules that reduces the solution of a problem to a predetermined sequences of action (Nowviskie). Algorithms work with databases, one cannot work without the other. A database is a computerized record keeping system. With both of these and the technology, people detect a person’s brainwaves for emotional spikes; like anger and depression. The hope for this technology is for the worker to make fewer mistakes and to be more efficient. By detecting an emotional spike, they are able to bring that to the worker and get them back on task. For it is not human to make mistakes, let the mind wonder and to have emotions. Wrong, it is human and it is an essential part of being one. The companies that are using this technology are starting to take that part away from people. What is most important to them is money, because money evolves around money and we cannot live without it. Since the use of this technology in the workplace, those companies have shown that their profit have gone up in the millions. This is due to fewer mistakes being made and workers being more efficient because of the sensors. People have put the problems of not understanding emotions with a human into a machine. It uses an artificial intelligent algorithm with a database that helps produce a solution, which let companies make more money. This is just the beginning.