Head First Lounge


Your donation can make a difference in the lives of those in need. By donating to Scuola della Pace, you are helping us to continue our mission of promoting peace and non-violence in our community and the world.

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Donation Options

Option 1

One-Time Donation

Make a one-time donation today to support our programs and initiatives.

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Option 2

Monthly Donation

Make a monthly donation to help sustain our programs and initiatives.

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Donation Stories

Story 1

Chiaras's Story

"I was hesitant to donate at first, but after learning more about Scuola della Pace's mission and impact, I knew I had to contribute. My donation helped provide education and resources to those in need."

Story 2

Elisa's Story

"As a monthly donor, I feel like I'm part of the Scuola della Pace community. It's great to see the impact my donations are making on the lives of others."