Gabrielle Rose Small

Cecilia Palmieri

Giulia Maia

21 years old, from Rome, Italy.

I am a junior and degree-seeking student at John Cabot University, Rome.

I am majoring in Communications and minoring in Creative Writing and Psychology.

Giulia Quaglietti

21 years old, from Rome, Italy.

I am a junior and degree-seeking student at John Cabot University, Rome.

I am majoring in Communications and minoring in Business Administration.

Why this topic?

Our aim, as well as this site's aim, it to use Black Mirror - Arkangel, in particular - as a case study in order to better address and better comprehend the nature and the intensification of Digital Media Technologies in the history of humankind. We know all about its history, but what about its future? Black Mirror was created exactly as a mirror into our futures, a portal to an alternative reality that might just come true if we keep maintaining our very radicated addiction to digital technologies.