The World is filled with people longing for love but lookign outside themselves to attain it.

So you became it.

Embodying love was not to fulfil their egos and materialistic desires, but to remind them that our nature is Love.

To Love creation for what it is rather that what it could do for you. To judge the actions of men and not the man itself.

To heal within the mess rather than outside of it. To trust in love regardless.

YOU are a physical representation of unconditional love.

To be alive in our highjacked society is to embody the source within while experiencing the fears that plague our oneness.

Everything comes from within so YOU are a creation of Divine Miracles.

Under-standing is ignorant judgment.

To Inner-stand is to differentiate the voice of you from that of fear.

To Know that you are much more than you were taught, much more than you remember.

To be kind even when others have not been kind to you.

To forgive yourself and be honest when you doubt your perfection.

Hug the wings of love as you embark on this new journey.

I love you


Unconditional Love