Welcome to the JCU Business Club Web-page

Join Us!

The JCU Business Club is a dynamic and active organization that, semester after semester, strives to become a central and recognized institution within John Cabot University. The Club's most important asset is its members, and that is why we strive to provide our members with a dynamic and enriching business environment and an hand-on business experience. This semester, Spring 2013, the Business Club introduces for the first time the BC Membership Card, thus providing a more professional and serious environment. The Membership Card represents an agreement of loyalty between the Club and its members from which both parties will benefit.

First-time members, those who start attending BC meetings from this semester, will be given the Silver (regular) Card after attending the first four meetings, and showing a big spirit of enterprise, motivation and attachment to the Business Club and its goals and policy. Silver members will benefit from services and opportunities that the Business Club offers. Silver members who keep being part of the Business Club along through the following semester (Fall 13), will be given the Golden (fidelity) Card that allow members to benefit from further enhancing and extremely valuable opportunities and experiences offered by the Club. Moreover, in order to be considered eligible for a BC Board position, members must hold a Gold Membership Card.
Silver Card:
By attending the first 4 meetings of the BC, members are entitled of the Silver Card. It says you are active part of the JCU Business Club with the opportunity to benefit of what the Business Club offers. The benefits of being BC member includes:
  • Regularclose-number lectures and seminars hold by businessmen and entrepreneurs.
  • Opportunities for 'face to face' networking with guest speakers, professors and alumni as well.
  • Visits to companies in Italy and Europe.
  • Writing articles which will be published on the Business Report part of "The Matthew", and in both the JCU public and Business Club private web site.
  • Engaging in thought leadership discussions which enable members to be innovative and competitive.
  • Being part of one of the most active and dynamic JCU organization.
  • Including it in your CV/Resume as an interesting and stimulating out-of-class activity.

  • Gold Card
    In addition to all the benefits mentioned above, "Gold" members will have the opportunity to:
  • Provide services (spanning from Mkt plans to Income statements) to important companies.
  • Play a more active and decisional role within the Club.
  • Considered eligible for a position in the Business Club Board.
  • Business Club application

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