
Name: Heather Cantwell

DOB: 13.05.1922

Date admitted: 24.10.1938

Status: Benign


Agoraphobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


intense fear of falling and dying, along with fears of losing consciousness; not to be found in time; and might be buried alive. She had been home bound for the last 5 years. She stayed mostly in her bed, and did not even allow her mother to leave the apartment. Sometimes will have panic like symptoms, including shortness of beath; tightness in her chest; palpitation; sweaty hands; tremors and sudden jolts of fear of dying. Over the years, her condition worsened to a point where she even refused to step out of her apartment. As the time progressed, so did her agoraphobia, eventually forcing her to admit herself into the Psychiatric Ward. She has since then been provided with services such as a bedpan and sponge baths.


outdoor psychotherapy, fluoxetine, citalopram


Self-admitted into asylum. Fairly social. Does not exhibit signs of disorders unless pushed outside of comfort zones. Does not exhibit desire or drive to get better. Refuses to go to therapy, insists on staying in asylum despite exhibiting much potential for recovery.