picture for student travel picture of passports picture of people holding the world picture of a female holding her passport

1. Make Lifelong Friends

One of the bigest benefits of study abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from all over the world. This is the perfect time to add more diversity to your social group. Put yourself out there to make meaningful connections and be sure to keep in touch after you go. Try to exchange phone numbers or social media users. During my experience abroad I've met people from all over the globe that I know I will keep in touch with.

2. See the World

It does not matter where you go, you will experience a brand new country with incredible new outlooks, culture, food, drinks, places to visit and activities. In addition, when studying abroad do not limit yourself to travel in just the country in which you are studying, you can see neighboring countries as well. This is the perfect time to travel! Just do it.

3. Education

Another reason to study abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education. You’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home. For example, european universities are different to American ones. If you don't want to have to adapt to a new educational system, try to find an American university in the country you want to go to.

4. Become bilingual

Try to take a class of the native language of the country. Master a new tongue by immersing yourself. There is no better way to learn than to dive right in. This is also a good place to meet other international students.

5. Discover yourself

Study abroad is the perfect opportunity to find yourself. Leaving your home, your family and your comfort zone means you have to rely on yourself more than ever before. Do not be afraid.

6. Career Opportunities

Once your finish your study abroad session and go back home, you will return with new skills, language skills (maybe), great education and new perspective on culture. Nonetheless, you will have something to talk about in jobs interviews.