The Wonders In Guatemala

Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan is one of the well known highlights of Guatemala. This lake is the deepest lake in Central Americaand it is located in the department of Soloa. In the town of Panajachel where the Lake is located, you will find several markets where locals sell their handmade traditional textiles.

In Ati you are able to relaz and enojy the view. There is a market
        which sells textilies and hand made costums Anywhere you go the view follows.

What to do?
In Lake Atitlan you can do many activities like just chill by the lake or you can even go hiking to several volcanoes that are near the lake. You can find the San Pedro Volcano or the Toliman Volcano. You can also rent some paddle boards or a small boat and go around the lake and enjoy some fun water activities.

There are many volcanos which you can hike. You can also do some nice activities
         in the water.