Gym Equipments

Here at Six Pack Gym, we have many pieces of equipment that we are proud to have available for your physical use. On this page you will find only some of the equipment available to you in our gym as well as a quote you will see all around our building to keep you motivated. To see all of what we have to offer come visit us on site! We will be sure to make your visit worth it.



In our gym we have plenty of treadmills available for you. Treadmills have become some of the most popular workout machines on the market, and for a good reason! First, they allow you to stay fit, even without having to go outdoors. They allow you the option to go on a run, jog, or walk with the many different settings More importantly, treadmill workouts can benefit your health, both mentally and physically at a pace you are comfortable with!

Gym Motivation

Here is a quote you will see scattered all throughout the gym near the equipment to keep you pumped and motivated to push for that extra rep on your fitness journey!

“I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”

-Muhammad Ali-

Exercise Bike

Exercise Bike

Almost anyone can hop on an exercise bike and take it for a spin. You don’t need to take a class or learn any complex movements. Wear comfortable clothes and a supportive pair of athletic shoes. You’ll enjoy numerous benefits biking, including some that may surprise you. Similar to a treadmill there are many settings that you can play with to have an ideal cardio workout!

Rowing Machine

Rowing Machine

Rowing machines, also known as ergometers or ergs, use both your upper and lower body on every stroke. This, in turn, strengthens and tones your muscles and improves your endurance. Plus, rowing provides some surprising benefits for your heart and lungs. This is another great way to get some cardio in before or after you have finished your exhausting workout in our gym.

Weigh Bar

Weigh Bars

Training with thick barbells and dumbbells will help you to improve grip strength and forearm strength, which in turn will help your whole body build more muscle and power. These weights range between 20 and 100 punds! By doing supplementary exercises with these weights you'll be more prepared to take on bigger exercises such as the bench press!

stair climbing

Stair Climbing Machine

Stair climbing has been a workout option for a long time. For years, soccer players and other athletes jogged up and down the steps in their stadiums to keep in peak cardiovascular shape. We have this option at our gym for newbies, athletes, or anyone in between. Take full advantage of what we have to offer and tone those calves!

Gym Bench

Gym Bench

When you began your fitness journey, chances are that the bench press was an exercise you focused on, perhaps even before the squat or deadlift. The bench press likely remains a mainstay in your program in some form as it is a key component of developing your upper body. Due to this of course we have many benches and racks available for your use!